Tag Archives: Statistics

What Makes a Published Result Believable?

June 04, 2019Article731 vuesEdit
This article discusses the validity of scientific results.

Subjective Web and Political Bipolarization

March 24, 2016Blog83 vuesEdit
As I am preparing my documentary in French on the mathematics of Big Data, I have been discovering and deeply puzzled by so-called dataethics questions. One of them regards the personalization of the web. Google, Facebook, Twitter and others are creating for us microcosms that fit our every desires. This is awesome. In fact, as […]

Ergodic Theory, Brownian Motion, Random Walk, PageRank (Hiking in Modern Math 4/7)

February 17, 2016More Hiking in Modern Math World0 vuesEdit

The New Big Fish Called Mean-Field Game Theory

February 05, 2014Article18959 vuesEdit
In recent years, at the interface of game theory, control theory and statistical mechanics, a new baby of applied mathematics was given birth. Now named mean-field game theory, this new model represents a new active field of research with a huge range of applications! This is mathematics in the making!

Entropy and the Second Law of Thermodynamics

October 15, 2013Article27088 vuesEdit
The second law of thermodynamics is my favorite law in physics, mainly because of the troubling puzzles it raises! Indeed, what your professors may have forgotten to tell you is that this law connects today's world to its first instant, the Big Bang! Find out why!

Hypothesis Test with Statistics: Get it Right!

May 15, 2013Article4539 vuesEdit
Statistician Johnson recently claimed that up to 25% of published scientific experimental results were just wrong! To see why, let's get to the bottom of the scientific method! And it's probably more complicated than you think. In this article, we apply it rigorously to "prove" $\pi=3$. This will highlight the actually mechanism of the scientific method, its limits, and how much messages of experiments are often deformed!

A Model of Football Games

April 04, 2013Article7877 vuesEdit
Back then, I simulated the outcome of the 2006 World Cup, based on a modelling of football games. This article explains this model and presents its results.

Conditional Probabilities: Know what you Learn

February 04, 2013Article5066 vuesEdit
Suppose a man has two children, one of them being a boy. What's the probability of the other one being a boy too? This complex question has intrigued thinkers for long until mathematics eventually provided a great framework to better understanding of what's known as conditional probabilities. In this article, we present the ideas through the two-children problem and other fun examples.