Tag Archives: Relativity Theory
Minkowski’s Spacetime | Relativity 23
What does E=mc² really mean? Relativity 22
Twin & Grandfather Paradox | Science4All 20
Einstein’s heart palpitations | Relativity 17
Is gravity acceleration or curvature? Relativity 16
General relativity explained! Relativity 15
Space contraction and time dilation | Relativity 6
The Massive Puzzles of Gravity
This article follows the footsteps of the giants of physics that have moulded our current understanding of gravity. It is a series of brilliant inspirations, usually accompanied by deceiving misconceptions. After all, even today, gravity is still a slippery concept.
Spacetime of General Relativity
Most popular science explanations of the theory of general relativity are very nice-looking. But they are also deeply misleading. This article presents you a more accurate picture of the spacetime envisioned by Albert Einstein.
Does God play dice?
For Albert Einstein, the answer is no. But what did he mean? Has the greatest theoretical physicist of all time really missed the bandwagon of quantum physics? What are the real issues of the controversy that has opposed him to the Copenhagen School (Bohr, Heisenberg ...)? Back to the physics of the early twentieth century, its history, philosophy and ideas.
Space Deformation and Group Representation
All along the 20th century, pure algebraists have dug deep into the fundamental structures of mathematics. In this extremely abstract effort, they were greatly help by the possibility of representing these structures by space deformations, which could then be understood much better. This has led to breakthroughs, including the proof of Fermat's las theorem. This article introduces the ideas of group representations.
Spacetime of Special Relativity
Einstein's theory of relativity is the best-known breakthrough of the History of science. The reason for that isn't only the accuracy of the theory, but also and mainly its beauty. As Einstein once said: "Most of the fundamental ideas of science are essentially simple, and may, as a rule, be expressed in a language comprehensible to everyone." This is what the article aims at showing Einstein's simple ideas of special relativity and their beauty.