All posts by Lê Nguyên Hoang

John Nash, a Beautiful Mind | Genius 1

April 08, 2016Genius0 vuesEdit

Can you glue opposite edges of a square? Relativity 7

April 05, 2016Relativity0 vuesEdit

MIT Glimpse (Episode 4)

April 02, 2016Web0 vuesEdit
I was interviewed in November 2015 by Alex Albanese on MIT Glimpse. We discussed Benford’s law, cake cutting, and online optimization. We also discussed how to pick the right toilet, why pi sucks, and why you should watch plenty of Youtube videos!

Space contraction and time dilation | Relativity 6

March 30, 2016Relativity0 vuesEdit

Subjective Web and Political Bipolarization

March 24, 2016Blog83 vuesEdit
As I am preparing my documentary in French on the mathematics of Big Data, I have been discovering and deeply puzzled by so-called dataethics questions. One of them regards the personalization of the web. Google, Facebook, Twitter and others are creating for us microcosms that fit our every desires. This is awesome. In fact, as […]

Can you “add” colours? Relativity 5

March 24, 2016Relativity0 vuesEdit

Could the Earth be flat? Relativity 4

March 22, 2016Relativity0 vuesEdit

Linearization | Relativity 3

March 20, 2016Relativity0 vuesEdit

History of planet discoveries | Relativity 2

March 18, 2016Relativity0 vuesEdit

Why is π so interesting? Relativity 1

March 16, 2016Relativity0 vuesEdit

Category Theory, Isomorphism, Functor (More Hiking in Modern Math World 7/7)

March 06, 2016More Hiking in Modern Math World0 vuesEdit

Mathematical Physics, Determinism, Game of Life (Hiking in Modern Math 6/7)

March 03, 2016More Hiking in Modern Math World0 vuesEdit

Chaos Theory, Meteorology, Navier-Stokes, Wolfram (Hiking in Modern Math 5/7)

February 21, 2016More Hiking in Modern Math World0 vuesEdit

Ergodic Theory, Brownian Motion, Random Walk, PageRank (Hiking in Modern Math 4/7)

February 17, 2016More Hiking in Modern Math World0 vuesEdit

Infinity, Set Theory, Continuum Hypothesis, Incompleteness (Hiking in Modern Math 3/7)

February 16, 2016More Hiking in Modern Math World0 vuesEdit

Complexity Theory, P versus NP, RSA Cryptography (Hiking in Modern Math 2/7)

February 13, 2016More Hiking in Modern Math World0 vuesEdit

Theory of Computation, Turing Machine (Hiking in Modern Math 1/7)

February 09, 2016More Hiking in Modern Math World0 vuesEdit

Conclusion (Trek through Math 8/8)

February 08, 2016A Trek through 20th Century Mathematics0 vuesEdit

Big Numbers, Googol, Googolplex, Graham (Trek through Math 7/8)

February 06, 2016A Trek through 20th Century Mathematics0 vuesEdit

Set Theory, Russell, Gödel (Trek through Math 6/8)

February 05, 2016A Trek through 20th Century Mathematics0 vuesEdit