My name is Lê and I believe that the greatest challenge in education is to make science and math appealing.
This is why I aim at bringing enthusiasm and excitement to the readers’ learning experience.
I now run a Robustly Beneficial wiki, mostly on AI ethics, which has come to fascinate me!
Does God play dice?Does God play dice? By Arthur Marronnier | Updated:2016-02 | Views: 1736 For Albert Einstein, the answer is no. But what did he mean? Has the greatest theoretical physicist of all time really missed the bandwagon of quantum physics? What are the real issues of the controversy that has opposed him to the Copenhagen School (Bohr, Heisenberg ...)? Back to the physics of the early twentieth century, its history, philosophy and ideas.
Marriage Assignment Problem and VariantsMarriage Assignment Problem and Variants By Lê Nguyên Hoang | Updated:2016-02 | Views: 7292 Marriage problems consist in matching boys and girls. They are a very interesting class of problems that include assignment problems, which have a very large range of applications. Additional results have been found for variants which include the introduction of boys and girls' preferences, and cases where people cannot be categorized into two groups.
Symmetries and Group TheorySymmetries and Group Theory By Lê Nguyên Hoang | Updated:2016-02 | Views: 5354 Beauty is extremely hard to define. Yet, physicists and artists seem to agree on an important feature of beauty, created by mathematicians: Symmetries. This article aims at introducing the beauty and the concepts on symmetries, from the basic geometrical symmetries to the more abstract fundamental automorphisms.
Model-Dependent RealismModel-Dependent Realism By Lê Nguyên Hoang | Updated:2016-02 | Views: 4631 Introduced by the two renowned theoretical physicists Stephen Hawking and Leonard Mlodinov in their book The Grand Design in 2010, model-dependent realism is a new controversial understanding of the universe. Based on solid logical reasonings and recent developments in physics, this concept may well be an incredible breakthrough for philosophy and science, as well as metaphysics.
Hypothesis Test with Statistics: Get it Right!Hypothesis Test with Statistics: Get it Right! By Lê Nguyên Hoang | Updated:2016-02 | Views: 4528 Statistician Johnson recently claimed that up to 25% of published scientific experimental results were just wrong! To see why, let's get to the bottom of the scientific method! And it's probably more complicated than you think. In this article, we apply it rigorously to "prove" $\pi=3$. This will highlight the actually mechanism of the scientific method, its limits, and how much messages of experiments are often deformed!
The Magic of AlgebraThe Magic of Algebra By Lê Nguyên Hoang | Updated:2016-02 | Views: 3880 The power of algebra lies in abstraction, and abstraction is basically forgetting. By retracing the History of algebra from its roots to more recent advancements, this article unveils the numerous breakthrough in our understanding of the world, by abusing of the power of forgetting.
Evolutionary Game TheoryEvolutionary Game Theory By Lê Nguyên Hoang | Updated:2016-02 | Views: 6211 Evolutionary Game Theory is a relatively recent branch of game theory which studies the dynamics of games. Originally used to describe populations of species in biology, and more particularly, the consequences of their interactions to the evolution of their populations, this field now produces interesting results for economic and environmental modelings.
Spacetime of Special RelativitySpacetime of Special Relativity By Lê Nguyên Hoang | Updated:2016-02 | Views: 3580 Einstein's theory of relativity is the best-known breakthrough of the History of science. The reason for that isn't only the accuracy of the theory, but also and mainly its beauty. As Einstein once said: "Most of the fundamental ideas of science are essentially simple, and may, as a rule, be expressed in a language comprehensible to everyone." This is what the article aims at showing Einstein's simple ideas of special relativity and their beauty.