<p>Online security presents new challenges for security.  Let’s see how some discoveries in mathematics unexpectedly made the age of secure online transactions possible.</p>

<h2>The Art of the Hidden Message: The role of number theory and prime numbers in online security</h2>

<h3>Introduction: how ‘pure’ mathematics can have unexpected applications</h3>

<p>One of the amazing things about theoretical mathematics - mathematics done for its own sake, rather than out of an attempt to understand the “real world” - is that sometimes, purely theoretical discoveries can turn out to have practical applications.  This happened, for example, when non-Euclidean geometries described by the mathematicians Karl Gauss (pictured below) and Bernard Riemann turned out to provide a model for the relativity between space and time, as shown by Albert Einstein.</p>

Image from scienceworld.wolfram.com.  Gauss did foundational work on non-Euclidean/non-flat geometry, which form the framework on which Einstein’s general theory of relativity rests.  He also made contributions to number theory, the subject we look at in this article.

<p>The same has happened with a number of results in the field of mathematics known as number theory.  Number theory studies the properties of the natural numbers: 1, 2, 3,...  You might also think of them as the “counting numbers”.  While they’re deceptively easy to define, their study has gained its reputation as the “queen of mathematics”, and many of the greatest mathematicians have devoted study to their properties, which are not as simple as you might expect.</p>

<div class=”question”>That’s weird.  What could be more simple than the natural numbers 1, 2, 3,...?</div>

<p>You’re right!  They’re easy to define, but their sometimes mind-boggling properties actually have crucial applications in the modern world, which we’ll see in this article.  In the age of the internet, when we use the internet to conduct business transactions, check our bank account, use credit cards to buy things online, and take cash out of an ATM, security technologies such as armed guards, armored trucks, and X-ray machines simply don’t work.  The danger with modern internet transactions is that you must send private data through a public network in order to reach its destination, such as your bank.  The problem with this is that anyone can read the message you have sent.</p>

<p>An internet-based economy therefore requires a new kind of security technology in order to protect information people send online.  Actually, the field of information protection - known as “cryptography”, or “hidden writing” - dates back several thousand years.</p>

<h3>The key ideas </h3>

<p>To illustrate the idea behind information protection, let’s look at a simple way to protect a message that’s being sent: an encryption mechanism known as the shift cipher.  It works like this.  Suppose you want to send a message to a friend, but don’t want anyone other than your friend to be able to read the message.  One way to do this is to agree with your friend on a way to encode or disguise the message you will be sending, and then send the message, so that your friend, and only your friend, will know how to decode it.</p> 


<p>The shift cipher is a simple way to encode a message: to use it, we simply shift each letter in the message by a certain, predetermined number of letters.  For example, the cipher used by Roman emperor Julius Caesar to communicate with his generals was a shift cipher created by shifting each letter by three letters.</p>

<p>Caesar’s cipher would encode A as D, B as E, C as F, and so forth.  It would encode W as Z, X as A, Y as B, and Z as C, as well.  So, for example, we would encode the message, “Meet me at the restaurant” as “Phhw ph dw wkh uhvwdxudqw”, simply by taking each letter in the message and encoding it as the third letter after it.</p>

<p>You can probably see how to decode such a message once it is received - simply shift each letter in the message back by three letters.  Got it?</p>

<div class=”question”>I understand, but it seems so simple that it wouldn’t work.  Someone could just guess how the encoding works, right?</div>

<p>You’re right.  The problem with the shift cipher is that it is fairly easy to break.  If someone captures your message before it is received by your intended recipient, they will find it easy to break, especially using a computer.</p>


<p>One way they could figure out how you encoded your message is by looking at the frequencies of the letters in your encoded message.  The 7 most common letters, according to a study completed at Cornell University, are e, t, a, o, i, n, s, and so on - see the graph below.  By analyzing which letters appear most frequently in the encoded message, it’s pretty easy to break a shift cipher.  Notice, for example, in the encoded version of our message, the letters ‘h’ and ‘w’ appear frequently - because they stand for ‘e’ and ‘t’, the two most commonly used letters in the English alphabet.</p> 


<p>Cryptographers have worked to find better methods for encoding messages - and cryptanalysts have been able to analyze or break every single method of cryptography developed in the past two millennia.  A famous example of this occurred during World War II, when British mathematicians, lead by the influential computer scientist Alan Turing, were able to break the German code-making machine known as ENIGMA.</p>

<p>You can watch a documentary about this produced by National Geographic TV.</p>

 <iframe width=”560″ height=”315″ src=”http://www.youtube.com/embed/Hb44bGY2KdU frameborder=”0″ allowfullscreen></iframe>

<p>The computer age has presented new challenges to cryptographers due to the computational power a computer possesses.  The computer can quickly and easily break code-making techniques developed prior to the electronic age.  This is where the work by mathematicians such as Fermat has come into play.  A team of mathematicians working in the 1970’s were able to produce a powerful method of encryption that is very difficult for even the most powerful supercomputers to break.</p>

<p>To see how this method, known as the RSA algorithm, works, we need to first look at some basic results of number theory, the study of the natural numbers 1, 2, 3, etc.  Let’s specifically examine the subset of the natural numbers known as the prime numbers.  The prime numbers are those natural numbers which have no divisors other than 1 and themselves.  For example, 2, 3, and 5 are prime, while 4 and 15 are not prime, since 2 is a divisor of 4 and 3 is a divisor of 15.  Here’s a table of the first 100 natural numbers.  The prime numbers are in the white squares.</p>

(image from http://technomaths.edublogs.org/category/number/)

<p>The prime numbers are easy to define and understand, but also turn out to have some surprisingly complex properties.  The ancient Greeks were able to prove that the number of primes is infinite - that there is always another prime number.  The ancient Greeks also thought that the world rests on top of a gigantic turtle, which in turn rests upon another gigantic turtle, and so on ad infinitum.  But the were able to prove that, given any finite list of prime numbers, there is always another prime number not on that list.</p>

<p>Mathematicians such as Fermat, Euler and Gauss, have devoted a considerable portion of their work to studying the properties of the primes, such as what’s known as the Prime Number Theorem, which tells how to estimate the number of prime numbers smaller than one million, or one billion, or any other number.  More recent work has been devoted to finding large prime numbers .  The largest known prime number has close to 13 million digits!  It was discovered in 1008 on UCLA computers, and its finders were awarded a $100,000 prize for their work!</p>

<div class=”question”>$100,000 for finding a prime number?  That seems like a ridiculous waste of money!</div>

<p>Well, there’s a reason that large prime numbers are considered so valuable: they can be used for internet security purposes, as we shall see.  Also, showing such a large number is actually prime is a feat of computer engineering that relies on networking many computers together.  So, by doing this work, computer scientists are showing how the combined power of many different computers can be linked together to solve a problem.</p>

<div class=”question”>That makes sense then.  So how do large prime numbers help in ensuring computer security?</div>

<p>Great question.  To see how prime numbers can be used to ensure internet security, let’s discuss a few basic properties about prime numbers.  One of the central results in number theory pertains to the properties of prime numbers, and is known as Fermat’s Little Theorem.  There’s a more famous theorem of Fermat’s, known as Fermat’s Last Theorem, which received a lot of media attention due to the amount of work required to prove it, but Fermat’s Little Theorem is probably more important in our day-to-day lives because it was a crucial step in the development of the RSA algorithm, which enables us to make safe transactions via the internet or ATMs.</p>

<p>So first let’s state Fermat’s Little Theorem, and then try to understand what it means.  Keep in mind that for mathematicians, a theorem is simply a true statement.  It’s something that mathematicians know to be true.  Fermat’s Little Theorem deals with a fundamental property of prime numbers:</p>

<p>If p is a prime number, and a is any natural number, then the following holds:  

Fermat’s Little Theorem states that for any prime number p and any natural number a, the above formula holds.  Another way to state this is:  is always a multiple of p whenever p is prime and a is any natural number.</p>

<div class=”question”>OK, so what are all those funny looking symbols?</div>

<p>Let’s try to make sense out of this formula, which is an expression of modular arithmetic, since it is not concerned with equality (which is represented by two lines, one on top of the other), but instead is concerned with the remainders left over after performing division.</p> 

<p>The left-hand side is read as “a to the p power” - this represents the number we get by multiplying a by itself for p iterations: . Inside the parentheses on the right, the “mod” is short for “modulo”, and refers to what happens when we divide the term on the left by p.  The a to the right of the three lines represents the remainder left over when we divide  by p.</p>   

<p>So this entire statement simply says that when we take a, multiply it by itself p times, and divide this number by p, we always will end up with a remainder of a. If you’re interested in how to prove this fact, I’ve included a link at the end of the page that gives a number of different proofs that Fermat’s Little Theorem is true.</p>

<div class=”question”>OK, but I’m not convinced.  Can you show an example of what you’re talking about?</div>

<p>Sure - let’s try this out with a few examples.  Suppose we take p = 3, a prime number, and a=4.  Then  simplifies to .  In this case, Fermat’s Little Theorem implies that 60 is a multiple of 3, which you can verify on your own.</p>

<p>Similarly, let’s take p = 11, a prime number, and a=6.  Then  simplifies to .  Once again, Fermat’s Little Theorem guarantees that this number is a multiple of p = 11, and you can check this on your own.</p>

<p>Now, Fermat was able to prove, or demonstrate the truth of, his Little Theorem during his lifetime.  At this point, however, there were no obvious real-world applications for his work.</p>

<p>It was only in the middle of the 20th century that Fermat’s Little Theorem became useful.  At this point, relatively primitive computers were being used - they sometimes took up an entire room, and generated huge amounts of heat.  Check out the picture of the early computer known as UNIVAC, below.  If you get the chance to speak with scientists who were working at this time, they’ll be able to tell you stories about how time-consuming it was to run computations with these early computers.  Even in these days, though, the computers were able to break primitive forms of ciphers.</p>

image from http://www.computermuseum.li/Testpage/UNIVAC-1-FullView-B.htm

<p>With the advent of the computer age, mathematicians began to develop new types of cryptography that would be strong enough to resist being broken by a computer.  One of the most useful types of cryptography developed is known as public-key cryptography, which is used in the present day for internet security.  Public-key cryptography involves both a public key - known to both the sender, the receiver, and anyone who intercepts the message in between - and a private key, known only to the sender and the receiver.</p>

<p>In the 1970’s, a trio of mathematicians, Rivest, Shamir, and Adelman, at Massachusetts Institute of Technology, were able to use Fermat’s Little Theorem to come up with the public-key encryption scheme known as the RSA algorithm, which is the standard encryption method used for online transactions today.</p>

<p>Before describing how the RSA algorithm works, let’s keep in mind how its development came about.  Nearly 300 years before the discovery of the RSA algorithm, Fermat came up with his Little Theorem, which describes a basic property about the prime numbers.  Fermat was investigating theoretical properties of the prime numbers, and was not actively looking to solve a real-world problem.</p>

<p>Despite this, it turns out that his Little Theorem has a very powerful application in modern network security.  Every time you use your ATM card, the information on your card is encrypted using RSA, which is based on Fermat’s Little Theorem.  This type of unexpected surprise is what scientists refer to as serendipity, since accidents often play a significant role in scientific discoveries.</p>

<p>The RSA algorithm consists of (1) an encryption procedure, which is publicly known, and (2) a decryption procedure, which is only known to the sender and the receiver.</p>

<p>Here’s how it works.  When you send information via electronic means, such as at the ATM, the computer converts your information - the message you want to send - into a single number.  You might try to think of a way to do this on your one, but to start you might simply designate a as 01, b as 02, and so forth.  Call the number representing your message m.</p>

<p>Next, find two large prime numbers; prime numbers of around 100 digits should be sufficient.  Call these primes p and q.  Form the product of the two primes, and call this number n, so that n = p * q.  Also form the number z = (p-1)*(q-1).  (The number z is important because it represents how many numbers between 1 and n do not share factors with n).</p> 

<p>Now - here’s the key idea behind the RSA scheme - we want to find numbers e and d (for encryption and decryption) such that  (recall this means that if we subtract m from either of the quantities on the left, what’s left is a multiple of z).  If we can find such numbers, then raising our message, m, to the e power - that is, multiplying m by itself e times - will correspond to encoding our message, and raising the encoded message to the d power, corresponds to decoding the message.</p>

<p>To find such numbers, we can recall Fermat’s Little Theorem, which suggests that, for any prime number p, .  If we pick e to be any prime number less than z that is not a divisor of z, then we are able to find a number d such that .  We can find such a number using a process known as Euclid’s algorithm.  A bit of arithmetic, using Fermat’s Little Theorem, will show that once we have found d and e in this manner, then .</p>

<p>To be clear here, in order to send our message, we first need to convert it into a number, which is the easiest part of the process.  A simple way to do this would be to convert each letter in the message to a certain number, such as ‘a’ to ‘01’.  After we have our message in the form of a number, we need (1) a way to encode that message in order to send it through public electronic systems, (2) a way for the recipient to decode the encrypted number in order to receive the message.</p>

<p>The RSA algorithm takes advantage of Fermat’s Little Theorem and relatively simple properties of number theory to encode and subsequently decode the message.  The encryption starts with two large prime numbers p and q, then calculates a prime number e, used to encrypt the message, and another number d, used to decrypt the message.</p> 

<p>The numbers e and d have certain properties that enable the scheme to work, and the reason RSA is such a strong encryption method is due to the fact that in order to decode the encrypted message without knowing d, it’s necessary to factor the number p*q, which takes a very long time for even the fastest modern computer.</p>

<p>To illustrate this, let’s carry RSA out for a real “message”.  Suppose we want to “send” the number 23 in an encrypted fashion.</p> 

<p>First, we pick two large prime numbers.  A real-life RSA encryption scheme might use prime numbers with 100 digits, but let’s keep it simple and use relatively small prime numbers.  Take p=47 and q=43.</p>

<p>Now we form the product n=p*q=47*43=2021, and the number z=(p-1)*(q-1)=46*42=1932.</p>

<p>At this point we’re ready to find our actual encoding and decoding schemes.  We want to find numbers e and d such that .  First, let’s try to find a prime number e that is not a divisor of 1932.  Let’s take e=17.</p>

<p>Now we compute d using the Euclidean algorithm.  We use this algorithm to find a number d such that .  We find that d=341 will work.  You can check on your own that 17*341=5797, while 1932*3=5796.</p>

<p>So, to encode our message m=23, we simply send the “message” attained by encrypting 23 using e: .  So our encrypted message is 1863, and we also also send n=2021 with the encrypted message.  Now we come to the key point.  If a hacker wants to decrypt the message, s/he must calculate the multiplicative inverse of 1863 (mod 2021), which requires factoring 2021.  This is easy for a computer to complete in this example, but very time consuming for large choices of p and q.</p> 

<p>The receiver, however, knows d, which allows him/her to perform the following operation to recover the initial message: .</p>

<p>Now, we’ve covered some fairly heavy-duty mathematics.  If you’ve made it through all this - congratulations.  This is university-level material.  If you’re interested in reading more of the heavy-duty mathematics behind the RSA algorithm, check out the paper by Milanov (2009).

The reason I wanted to bring this up is because it’s a good example of how a topic in pure mathematics - such as Fermat’s Little Theorem and other basic properties about prime numbers - can turn out to have a completely unexpected application.  In this case, Fermat’s Little Theorem gives us a way to encrypt a message and send it through a network securely, so that only its intended target, who has a decryption mechanism, can read the message.</p> 

<p>The main reason the RSA algorithm is so strong is the fact that, in order to break it, it’s necessary to find the prime factors of a gigantic number, a number with around 200 digits.  This might take a supercomputer 100 years to complete!  However, computer scientists are busy working on a quantum computer, a computer that would use the states of an electron as its computing components, rather than the ‘0’ and ‘1’ bits current computers use.</p>

<p>If they are successful in implementing a quantum computer, it will be very easy to find the prime factors used in the RSA algorithm.  So a much stronger algorithm will be necessary to maintain network security in an age with quantum computers.</p>

<p>Amazingly, mathematicians working in the topic area known a “knot theory”, which makes a formal study of the knots we use to tie shoelaces or ropes, have developed an algorithm that uses an analogy of prime numbers, called “prime knots”, to develop a public-key cryptography method that is immune to quantum eavesdroppers.  Amazing!</p>


Annalisa Marzuoli, Giandomenico Palumbo
Cryptographers - mathematicians



Milanov, Evgeny (2009): http://www.math.washington.edu/~morrow/336_09/papers/Yevgeny.pdf

