Tag Archives: Physics

Minkowski’s Spacetime | Relativity 23

June 15, 2016Relativity0 vuesEdit

What does E=mc² really mean? Relativity 22

June 12, 2016Relativity0 vuesEdit

Einstein’s heart palpitations | Relativity 17

May 22, 2016Relativity0 vuesEdit

General relativity explained! Relativity 15

May 14, 2016Relativity0 vuesEdit

Einstein’s happiest thought | Relativity 14

May 11, 2016Relativity0 vuesEdit

How did Newton figure out gravity? Relativity 13

May 08, 2016Relativity0 vuesEdit

Don’t heavier objects fall faster? Relativity 12

May 04, 2016Relativity0 vuesEdit

Space contraction and time dilation | Relativity 6

March 30, 2016Relativity0 vuesEdit

Can you “add” colours? Relativity 5

March 24, 2016Relativity0 vuesEdit

Could the Earth be flat? Relativity 4

March 22, 2016Relativity0 vuesEdit

Colours and Dimensions

January 08, 2015Article4880 vuesEdit
You've probably learned early on that there are three primary colours. But why three? And why these three? Surprisingly, the answer lies in the beautiful mathematics of linear algebra and (high) dimension spaces!

The Massive Puzzles of Gravity

December 11, 2014Article4370 vuesEdit
This article follows the footsteps of the giants of physics that have moulded our current understanding of gravity. It is a series of brilliant inspirations, usually accompanied by deceiving misconceptions. After all, even today, gravity is still a slippery concept.

The Unlikely Correctness of Newton’s Laws

April 30, 2014Article10079 vuesEdit
Do moving objects exhaust? Does the Moon accelerate? How strong is the gravity pull of the Moon on the Earth compared to that of the Earth on the Moon? While we've all learned Newton's laws of motion, many of us would get several answers of these questions wrong. That's not so surprising, as Newton's laws are deeply counter-intuitive. By stressing their weirdness with Veritasium videos, this article dives into a deep understanding of classical mechanics.

Pluto is NOT (not?) a Planet

January 29, 2014Article3568 vuesEdit
In 2006, Pluto was officially demoted from its planetary status. When we dig a little bit, this isn't much of the surprise. What's more interesting is rather why it ever was regarded as a planet, as the History of Pluto highlights a magic enterprise that science is!

Does God play dice?

May 28, 2013Article1746 vuesEdit
For Albert Einstein, the answer is no. But what did he mean? Has the greatest theoretical physicist of all time really missed the bandwagon of quantum physics? What are the real issues of the controversy that has opposed him to the Copenhagen School (Bohr, Heisenberg ...)? Back to the physics of the early twentieth century, its history, philosophy and ideas.

The Amazing Physics of Water in Trees

April 15, 2013Article66671 vuesEdit
As explained by Derek Muller on Veritasium, the flow of water in trees involves complex physical phenomena including pressure, osmosis, negative pressure, capillarity and evapotranspiration. What seems simple will blow your mind!

Dynamics of the Wave Function: Heisenberg, Schrödinger, Collapse

March 04, 2013Article10999 vuesEdit
On one hand, the dynamics of the wave function can follow Schrödinger equation and satisfy simple properties like Heisenberg uncertainty principle. But on the other hand, it can be probabilistic. This doesn't mean that it's totally unpredictable, since the unpredictability is amazingly predictable. Find out how these two dynamics work!

The Essence of Quantum Mechanics

January 21, 2013Article11777 vuesEdit
Quantum mechanics is the most accurate and tested scientific theory, Its applications to real life are countless, as all new technologies are based on its principles. Yet, it's also probably the most misunderstood theory, because it constantly contradicts common sense. This article presents the most important features of the theory.

The Frontier of Cold: The Quest for Absolute Zero

November 21, 2012Article2498 vuesEdit
While mountaineers aim at tops of mountains, some scientists have sought the bottom of temperature scale with frequent surprising wonders at different scales. This article takes you through these scientists' journey!

Model-Dependent Realism

September 04, 2012Article4660 vuesEdit
Introduced by the two renowned theoretical physicists Stephen Hawking and Leonard Mlodinov in their book The Grand Design in 2010, model-dependent realism is a new controversial understanding of the universe. Based on solid logical reasonings and recent developments in physics, this concept may well be an incredible breakthrough for philosophy and science, as well as metaphysics.