Tag Archives: Graph

Graphs and the 4 Color Theorem (Trek through Math 2/8)

January 29, 2016A Trek through 20th Century Mathematics0 vuesEdit

Euler’s Formula and the Utilities Problem

June 20, 2013Article19068 vuesEdit
I was a kid when I was first introduced to the deceptively simple utilities problem. It's only lately that I've discovered its solution! And it's an amazing one! Indeed, it provides a wonderful insight into some fundamental mathematics, including Euler's formula! This is nothing less than the gateway to the wonderful world of algebraic topology!

Topology: from the Basics to Connectedness

December 20, 2012Article8344 vuesEdit
Topology was my favorite course in pure maths. I love it because it's a powerful abstract theory to describe intuitive and visual ideas about space. This article gives you an introduction to this amazing field. We'll introduce graph topology, metric spaces, continuity and connectedness.

Marriage Assignment Problem and Variants

June 03, 2012Article7352 vuesEdit
Marriage problems consist in matching boys and girls. They are a very interesting class of problems that include assignment problems, which have a very large range of applications. Additional results have been found for variants which include the introduction of boys and girls' preferences, and cases where people cannot be categorized into two groups.